Short Term Course
Under CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative, the institute conducts around 25 regular training programs/Skill Development Programs/Short Term Courses every year encompassing all the major areas in Food Science and Technology. These courses are of short duration, but intensive and packed with lectures and demonstrations. The faculty members for the courses have vast experience in specific areas of Food Science and Technology. The demonstrations and practical classes are conducted in the state-of-the-art laboratories and pilot plants of CSIR-CFTRI. Successful participants will be given participation certificate at the end of the course. Due to its short duration and condensed, focussed and capsulated syllabus, the short-term courses are well received by students, academicians, employed and entrepreneurs who are unable to spare more time.
Academic Institutions/Government Departments/Industry/FPOs can contact us for custom made programs exclusively designed for their students/staff/sponsored-participants in the area of Food Processing.

25 regular training programs and number of custom made courses every year, covering all the major areas of Food Science and Technology.

These courses are of short duration but intensive and packed with lectures and demonstrations.

The demonstrations and practical classes are conducted in the state-of-the-art laboratories and pilot plants of CFTRI. The faculty members for the courses have vast experience in specific areas of Food Science and Technology.

Training programs under PM Formalization of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) & ODOP related training programs are also being conducted time to time.

Farmer-centric programs will also be arranged as per requests from FPOs/Farmer Societies/SHGs/Govt Depts. etc.
Areas Covered:

Advanced processing techniques

Animal techniques, ethics & welfare

Flour milling and baking products

Food flavors and sensory science

Food microbiology & Fermentation technology

Food packaging

Food safety & quality control

Fumigation, prophylaxis and pest management

Grain processing

Instrumental analysis

Lipid science

Traditional foods

Meat and marine products

Plant cell Biotechnology

Post-harvest handling & processing of fresh produce

Spices and plantation products

Molecular Nutrition